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Updated Public Procurement Thresholds 2024 can be viewed here.

DPER Circular 05/2023: Initiatives to Assist SMEs in Public Procurement.



Please take note that the threshold at which all contracts for goods and services must be advertised on eTenders has increased from €25,000 to €50,000 (exclusive of VAT) effective immediately.

Where the procurement competition was managed outside of eTenders, contracting authorities (schools) are required to manually create a record of the contract award on eTenders and complete all relevant fields where the contract value is over €25,000 (exclusive of VAT).



The threshold at which all contracts for works must be advertised on eTenders has increased from €50,000 to €200,000 (exclusive of VAT) also effective immediately. Contracts for works with an estimated value equal or greater than €200,000 (exclusive of VAT) should be advertised as part of a formal tendering process on eTenders although contracts for works with an estimated value less than €200,000 (exclusive of VAT) may still be advertised on eTenders. Where it is decided not to advertise on eTenders, contracting authorities should seek a minimum of five written tenders from interested and competent contractors.

Where the procurement competition for Works was managed outside of eTenders, contracting authorities are required to manually create a record of the contract award on eTenders and complete all relevant fields where the contract value is over €25,000 (exclusive of VAT).

Full details are contained in the Circular 05/23. Further guidance, if required, can be sought from



The unambiguous advice to schools that remain outside of the Office of Government Procurement (OGP) contracts is to strongly consider signing-up to the contracts for electricity supply and secure the protection they provide, for your school, from the tumult of the current marketplace.

The registration process is relatively simple: complete the details on the Electricity Registration Form available here and upload a copy of your latest electricity bill as directed. The Office of Government Procurement will issue you an offer of a contract detailing the tariff rates available. If you accept the offer of this new contract, please complete the accompanying paperwork with the contract offer and return it to the email address supplied in the contract documentation as soon as possible.